#!/bin/sh # # amule_remote_status.sh v 0.1 # # Bash script to look display the status of a remote amule + amulecmd setup # # by Colin Verot colin@verot.net # # this script is free to use, just keep the copyright notice # host= port=5555 pass=mypass # we first get the general data r=`amulecmd -h $host -p $port -P $pass -c status` # we parse it download=`echo $r | grep -o 'Download: .* Up' | sed -e 's/Download: //' -e 's/ > Up//'` upload=`echo $r | grep -o 'Upload: .* Cl' | sed -e 's/Upload: //' -e 's/ > Cl//'` ed2k=`echo $r | grep -o 'ED2K: .* Kad' | sed -e 's/ED2K: //' -e 's/ > Kad//'` kad=`echo $r | grep -o 'Kad: .* Dow' | sed -e 's/Kad: //' -e 's/ > Dow//'` # and then display it nicely echo "amulecmd : listens on $host:$port" echo "Download : $download" echo "Upload : $upload" echo "ED2K : $ed2k" echo "Kad : $kad" # we now get the current list of files, in a temp file amulecmd -h $host -p $port -P $pass -c 'show DL' > /tmp/amulecmd touch /tmp/amulecmd2 # we parse this file line by line, reformating it cat /tmp/amulecmd | grep '>' | ( while read line; do l=`echo $line | sed -e 's/> [A-Z0-9]\{32\} \(.*\) \[\([0-9\.]*\)%\] \([0-9]\{1,\}\/[0-9]\{1,\}\) - \(.*\)/\\2%#\\3#\\1#\\4/'`; echo $l >> /tmp/amulecmd2 ; done ) # we output the list of files, formatted in columns echo cat /tmp/amulecmd2 | sort -r -g | column -s '#' -t # we delete the temp files rm /tmp/amulecmd rm /tmp/amulecmd2 exit 0;