---------------------------------------------------------------------- Web Tools (WT) - a collection of web hosting tools Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Colin Verot - colin@verot.net This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Version : 0.2 Release Date : 01/09/2004 Author : Colin Verot colin@verot.net ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ------- Welcome to Web Tools (WT)! This software is a collection of web host management tools. It has been designed to remain simple and flexible yet to accept additional features. The system is mainly a structure for plugins. Plugins are very easy to code, and can just be dropped in the plugins directory. You can then instanciate plugins as many times you want. WT can be used on a Apache server, with PHP4+ and on shared hosting. The design is purely CSS based and allows extensive customization. This code is rapidly becoming more stable, however documentation has not been completed. WT is already used in critical situations with success. There is already several plugins. Feel free to contribute... *** backup plugin : This plugin allows you to agglomerate and compress a list of paths and files. A tar file will be created, containing all the specified directories and files, keeping the directory structure. Basically, you can tar some parts of your web tree very easily. *** htpwd plugin : This plugin allows you you have a list of .htpassword files and to edit them easily. You can add/remove users, change their passwords. You can view the .htpassword file, or just browse it. *** quota plugin : It determines how big is your webspace, and calculates used and remaining space. *** sqldump plugin : It allows you to dump an entire base into a sql file, and store it onto your webspace. Warning: your sql password will be in plain text in the configuration file. *** editor plugin : You can manage lists of files, and edit each of them. On the edit page, you can delete the file, save it with a different name, perform quick saves. As well, you can automatically create a new file. *** phpinfo plugin (beta): Display the server phpinfo with a nice layout. Warning: for display purposes, some lines are artificially broken (',' becomes ', '). Not all the versions of PHP have been tested with this module, and it might happen that some phpinfo() will be displayed badly. REQUIREMENTS ------------ Apache with PHP4 PLUGINS ------- - backup 0.2 - htpwd 0.2 - quota 0.1 - sqldump 0.1 - phpinfo 0.1b - editor 0.1 - config 0.2 (core) - about 0.1 (core) DOWNLOAD -------- You can get the last version at http://www.verot.net/webtools.htm INSTALL ------- - Just untar all the files in this distribution to any directory accessible by the web (for instance wt/) - Protect this directory with a .htaccess file for security purposes - Point your browser to www.yourdomain.com/wt/ - Go to the configuration page to begin set up plugins (some plugins are already configured as samples) - To set up a plugin : - choose the plugin in the dropdown list - fill in a label (which will appear in the navigation) - fill in a title (which will appear on top of the page) - fill in a section name (usually the plugin name; use different names if you want multiples instances of a plugin) - 'add' the plugin; refresh the page, and the plugin will appear in the navigation REPORTING BUGS -------------- If you have a bug, please contact me at colin@verot.net. KNOWN ISSUES ------------ The CSS-only design might be broken on a IE5 Mac. Please send me screenshots and OS/browser version. CONTRIBUTE ---------- WT is aimed to be heavily customized, and its design encourages the creation of new plugins. Please share your code; send me your plugins. You can as well share your design skills and send in your style.php file. CONTACT ------- You can contact me at colin@verot.net or visit the WT website at http://www.verot.net/webtools.htm CREDITS ------- Hidayet Dogan for giving me the idea with his script HTAdmin CHANGELOG --------- 0.2 : - added a quota plugin - added a mySQL dump plugin - added a PHPinfo plugin (beta) - added a editor plugin - added version numbers in each plugin - corrected a few layout bugs - it is now possible to order plugin instances - htpwd : check if files are directories - htpwd : added a back button when browsing or viewing - added a default configuration file - moved around files to have a 'plugins' and a 'config' directory 0.1 : - first release