cropping images

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cropping images new!
by Murray Summers, 13 years ago
I assume that image_crop crops an image after it has been resized. Am I correct? Also, if I have -

$handle->image_crop = array(0,0,30,0)

will a 100x100 image become 100w x 70 tall, with 30 px removed from the bottom of the image?Reply
Re: cropping images new!
by Murray Summers, 13 years ago
And, if I have specified a border for the image, will it be cropped before or after that border is added?Reply
Re: cropping images new!
by Murray Summers, 13 years ago
Got it. $handle->image_crop works AFTER the file is resized, but before the border is applied, and if I specify (0, 0, 30, 0) then 30px will be cropped from the bottom of the image converting the 100px height to 70px.Reply
Re: cropping images new!
by colin, 13 years ago
Yes. You should also look into image_precropReply