How to process multiple images that are inside a folder?

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Re: How to process multiple images that are inside a folder? new!
by Marcio Alves, 12 years, 6 months ago
Thanks Colin

But, I used the example 1 and returned the following error:

file not uploaded to the wanted location
Error: copy_failed

This is my code in full:

$handle = new Upload('/home/ceanorg/public_html/fotos/galeria/teste/', 'pt_BR');

if ($handle->uploaded) {
  $handle->image_resize            = true;
  $handle->image_ratio_y           = true;
  $handle->image_x                 = 100;
  // we check if everything went OK
  if ($handle->processed) {
    // everything was fine !
    echo '  file uploaded with success';
    echo '  ' . round(filesize($handle->file_dst_pathname)/256)/4 . 'KB';
    echo '  link to the file just uploaded: ../../fotos/galeria/teste/' . $handle->file_dst_name . ' : ' . $handle->file_dst_name . '';
  } else {
    // one error occured
    echo '  file not uploaded to the wanted location';
    echo '  Error: ' . $handle->error . '';

} else {
  // if we're here, the upload file failed for some reasons
  // i.e. the server didn't receive the file
  echo '  file not uploaded on the server';
  echo '  Error: ' . $handle->error . '';
Re: How to process multiple images that are inside a folder? new!
by colin, 12 years, 6 months ago
Please check the logs produced by the class!!!! Everything the class does is detailed in the log.

You probably have a permission issue.Reply
Re: How to process multiple images that are inside a folder? new!
by Marcio Alves, 12 years, 6 months ago
Permission to the folder /home/ceanorg/public_html/fotos/galeria/teste is CHMOD 777
Re: How to process multiple images that are inside a folder? new!
by colin, 12 years, 6 months ago
As I said before, check the logs produced by the class!!!!Reply
Re: How to process multiple images that are inside a folder? new!
by Marcio Alves, 12 years, 6 months ago
Dear Colin

The error log can be seen in
Re: How to process multiple images that are inside a folder? new!
by colin, 12 years, 6 months ago
I mean the log produced by the class. See the first item of the FAQ.Reply
Re: How to process multiple images that are inside a folder? new!
by Marcio Alves, 12 years, 6 months ago

The error produced by the class can be seen in
Re: How to process multiple images that are inside a folder? new!
by colin, 12 years, 6 months ago
You need to instantiate the class with a local image file, not a directory.

You first get all your file names in an array, and then loop through it, instantiating the class each time with each file name.
$files = array('pic1.jpg', 'pic2.jpg', 'pic3.jpg');
foreach ($files as $file) {
  $handle = new Upload($file);
  if ($handle->uploaded) {
    $handle->image_resize            = true;
    $handle->image_ratio_y           = true;
    $handle->image_x                 = 100;
Re: How to process multiple images that are inside a folder? new!
by Marcio Alves, 12 years, 6 months ago
Thank you for your help and patience. Based on them could solve the problem.

In order to help more people that perhaps might have the same problem, post here my code to send pictures zipped:


if ($uploadcaminho) {
  print "FOLDER DESTINATION (".$uploadcaminho.") [FOLDER - OK]";
} else {
if (is_numeric($codigo)) {
  print "CODE (".$codigo.")[CODE - OK]";
} else {
  die('CODE ERROR');
if (!file_exists("/home/folder/".$uploadcaminho)) {
  mkdir("/home/folder/".$uploadcaminho, 0755);
  print "/home/folder/".$uploadcaminho." [FOLDER CREATED - OK]";
} else {
  print "/home/folder/".$uploadcaminho." [FOLDER EXISTing]";


if ($_FILES['my_field']['error'] == 0) {
  move_uploaded_file($_FILES['my_field']['tmp_name'], "/home/folder/".$uploadcaminho."/".$my_field_name);
  rename("/home/folder/".$uploadcaminho."/".$my_field_name, "/home/folder/".$uploadcaminho."/".$codigo.".zip");
  $my_field_name = $codigo.".zip";
} else {
  die("ERROr ".$_FILES['my_field']['error']);

$zip = new ZipArchive();
echo "FILE $my_field_name UNZIP SUCCESS";

unlink ("/home/folder/teste/$my_field_name");
echo "FILE $my_field_name DELETED WITH SUCESS!";

// ---------- MULTIPLE UPLOADS ----------
$diretorio = '/home/folder/teste/';
$ponteiro  = opendir($diretorio);

while ($nome_itens = readdir($ponteiro)) {
    $itens[] = $nome_itens;

foreach ($itens as $k) {
  if ($k!="." && $k!=".."){
    if (is_dir($k)) {
    } else {

foreach ($arquivos as $file) {
  $handle = new Upload($file);
  if ($handle->uploaded) {
    $handle->image_resize              = true;
    $handle->image_ratio_y           = true;
    $handle->image_x                 = 100;
    if ($handle->processed) {
      echo '  file uploaded with success';
      echo '  ' . round(filesize($handle->file_dst_pathname)/256)/4 . 'KB';
      echo '  link to the file just uploaded: "../../fotos/galeria/teste/' . $handle->file_dst_name . ' : ' . $handle->file_dst_name . '';
    } else {
      echo '  file not uploaded to the wanted location';
      echo '  Error: ' . $handle->error . '';
      echo '  Log: ' . $handle->log . '';

  } else {
      echo '  file not uploaded on the server';
      echo '  Error: ' . $handle->error . '';
      echo '  Log: ' . $handle->log . '';
Re: How to process multiple images that are inside a folder? new!
by colin, 12 years, 6 months ago
I glad you managed in the end.

Thank you for contributing your code.Reply
Re: How to process multiple images that are inside a folder? new!
by Marcio Alves, 12 years, 6 months ago
Colin,more issue:

How to get the width of the image being sent and whether it is greater than XX pixels, reduce.

This example s not function:
if($handle->image_x > 800) {
  $handle->image_resize = true;
  $handle->image_ratio = true;
  $handle->image_x = 800; 	//width