Reply to File Rename

File Rename new!
by Mat, 16 years, 7 months ago
Hi There,

I have the following code
$handle = new Upload("$path/temp/" . $savedname);
$handle->image_resize  = true;
$handle->image_ratio_= true;
$handle->image_= $image_size_small;
$handle->image_convert         = 'jpg';
$handle->jpeg_quality          = 80;    

This works file if the file is not being renamed, but if the file gets renamed the file_dst_name take the orignal upload name i.e.

upload bluesqaure.png gets converted and renamed to bluesquare.jpg

upload bluesquare.png a second time and it dosent get converted to jpg and the name is blusquare_1.png

Any ideas?Reply

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