Reply to Re: image_resize and JPEG filesize

Re: image_resize and JPEG filesize new!
by Konstantin, 16 years, 3 months ago
Hi, Colin!
Now I have construct that code:
// if file size is OK, processing without resizing              
// it is very important                                                                                                         
if ( $handle->image_src_x < 1025 && $handle->image_src_y < 769 ) {                                                               
    $handle->file_max_size       = '307200';                    
    $handle->allowed             = array('image/*');            
    $handle->file_new_name_body  = $add_data;                   
    $handle->image_min_width         = 50;                      
    $handle->image_min_height        = 50;                      
} else  { // create big foto 1024x768 pix, let users read rules                                                                 
    $handle->image_resize            = true;                    
    $handle->allowed                 = array('image/*');        
    $handle->file_max_size           = '307200';                
    $handle->file_new_name_body      = $add_data;               
    $handle->image_x                 = 1024;                    
    $handle->image_y                 = 768;                     
    $handle->image_ratio_no_zoom_in  = true;                    
    $handle->image_min_width         = 50;                      
    $handle->image_min_height        = 50;                      
// create thumbnail                                                                                                             
$handle->allowed                 = array('image/*');            
$handle->file_max_size           = '307200';                    
$handle->file_new_name_body      = $add_data;                   
$handle->image_resize            = true;                        
$handle->image_x                 = 200;                         
$handle->image_y                 = 200;                         
$handle->image_min_width         = 50;                          
$handle->image_min_height        = 50;                          
$handle->image_ratio             = true;                        

I try to use $handle->allowed = array('image/jpg','image/jpeg');, but have error with processing JPEG: unsupported file type.... SAD. Changing to 'image/*' -- have not errors.Reply

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