Reply to class.upload.php version 0.29 released

class.upload.php version 0.29 released new!
by colin, 14 years, 3 months ago
0.29I am pleased to announce the release of the version 0.29 of the script class.upload.php. The class is now compatible with PHP 5.3. MIME detection is stronger, and more documented. Malicious images cannot be uploaded. Check out some demo samples.

Version 0.29 changelog
- added protection against malicious images
- added zip and torrent MIME type
- replaced split() with explode()
- initialise image_dst_x/y with image_src_x/y
- removed mime_fileinfo, mime_file, mime_magic and mime_getimagesize from the docs since they are used before process()
- added more extensions and MIME types
- improved MIME type validation
- improved logging

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