Reply to Multiple file upload with title and caption for each file

Multiple file upload with title and caption for each file new!
by nightmicu, 14 years, 2 months ago
Hi everyone,

I am trying to develop a PHP driven gallery with a form that has at least four file upload boxes, each with its own title and caption. I have been using class.upload.php to process individual uploaded photos but not sure how I would go about handling multiple uploads while preserving each file's details (title, caption).

Also, I tried the exact example on this site for handling multiple files and I am getting the following error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

To further complicate matters, I also need to insert each entry - including filename, title, and caption - into its own MySQL row. I know how to accomplish this but I'm kind of stumped on how to go about using class.upload.php to rename each of the files and insert each file's name into my SQL.


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