Reply to Only jpg images

Only jpg images new!
by Fia, 13 years, 8 months ago
How do I get it to only accept jpg images?
I've tried:
$handle = new Upload($_FILES['image']);
if ($handle->uploaded) {
  $handle->allowed 	 = array('image/jpg');
  $handle->file_new_name_body    = $bildnamn;
  $handle->file_overwrite	= true;
  $handle->file_auto_rename      = false; 
  $handle->image_resize          = true;
  $handle->image_ratio           = true;
  $handle->image_y               = 600;
  $handle->image_x               = 600;
  $handle->jpeg_quality		   = 95;

it worked fine before i put the allowed line in. ???Reply

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