Reply to Impossible to stream local file

Impossible to stream local file new!
by diego, 10 years, 10 months ago
I'm trying to direct stream an image from local path, but I receive an error.
According to documentation I use this code:

$images_name = '/path/to/my/image.jpg';
$handle = new upload($images_name);
header('Content-type: ' . $handle->file_src_mime);
echo $handle->Process();

result of log is:

system information
- class version : 0.32
- operating system : Darwin
- PHP version : 5.4.4
- GD version : 2.0.34
- supported image types : png jpg gif bmp
- open_basedir : no restriction
- upload_max_filesize : 32M (33554432 bytes)
- language : en_GB
source is a local file /path/to/my/image.jpg
- error: File not uploaded. Can't carry on a process.

What's wrong?

Thanks in advanceReply

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