Reply to Uploading One File Two Different Ways

Uploading One File Two Different Ways new!
by Erik Greif, 9 years, 11 months ago
I am trying to upload the same file twice. Once as a thumbnail (128x128 scaled) and a second time as the original image.

I'm not sure if this place accepts BB code or anything so I'll give you a link to my current file:

I originally built this from an example. This script works flawlessly if I comment out either one of the upload processes. As you see, I have now named the second upload process under a different $handle/$handle2 name, but it didn't make a difference. My server times out (30 seconds) on line 5010 of class.upload.php, sometimes 5013 or 5007, which are all inside a couple of nested for loops. I get the idea one of them is looping infinitely because the server always kills it inside of the loop at 4999:
for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
which is for jpg and bmp files.

So down to my point: I need to render two copies of the same upload, and quite frankly I know next to nothing about this upload script/library/class, although it is quite fantastic. Thanks a ton to anyone who can help me.Reply

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