Reply to Re: Uploading One File Two Different Ways

Re: Uploading One File Two Different Ways new!
by Erik Greif, 9 years, 11 months ago
I am getting no info errors in Apache, but PHP just has the error I saw on screen.

[20-Jun-2014 15:02:48 US/Pacific] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in F:\Software Development\(PHP) SpychMed International\HTDOCS\scripts\upload\class.upload.php on line 5006

I have another domain with GoDaddy, which is where this is going to end up. So I just tested the code again, and while it took ages to upload, it did. Since we're here, might I ask how to set a maximum size (dimensions) for an upload? That way I can have a large image version, but it won't be over a certain number of pixels, like width*length.Reply

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