Reply to Re: Resize does not function

Re: Resize does not function new!
by Roderick, 16 years, 3 months ago
I've implemented this code (i dont know this forums bb-code. so just as plain text) at row 2258

Now, flash upload and image resizing works, but only for jpg files. All i do is manually resetting some vars to jpg so the upload class will process the images as jpg's.

// Some logging to chech mime of file
$this->log .= 'EDIT - 1e file src mime : '.$this->file_src_mime; 
if($this->file_src_mime == 'application/octet-stream') { 
  $this->log .= 'EDIT - File is octet-stream'; 
  if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { 
    // SET mime type manually. 
    // File HAS to be jpg in order to work properly. 
    // GIF support and PNG support not included 
    $this->file_src_mime == 'image/jpeg'; 			
    // Get image info
    $info = @getimagesize($this->file_src_pathname); 	
    // Set img src type manually. Again, file has to be jpg!
    $this->image_src_type = 'jpg';
    $this->file_is_image = true; 
// Now, the file is an jpg-image

// if the file is an image, we gather some useful data
if (array_key_exists($this->file_src_mime, $this->image_supported)) {
  $this->file_is_image = true;
  $this->image_src_type = $this->image_supported[$this->file_src_mime];
  $info = @getimagesize($this->file_src_pathname);
  // $info now knows the file is not an genuine jpg image, so i reset it again!
  if($this->file_src_mime == 'application/octet-stream') { 
    $this->image_src_type = 'jpg';
// Just some log checking
$this->log .= 'EDIT - 3de file src mime : '.$this->file_src_mime;

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