problem uploading images with more than 2500x2500px

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problem uploading images with more than 2500x2500px new!
by Sergius, 14 years ago

I´m having problems uploading images greater than 2500x2500px and 250dpi. The script puts the original image in a new folder and i have a new script that takes the original and resize it to 140x95px. The problem is that when i try to do this i receive an internal error 500. But if i take a look in my folders the images are there and everything look like my instructions.

I´m running this aplication in a webserver and i try diferent parameters in php configuration:
max_execution_time =45
memory_limit = 128M
post_max_size = 30M
upload_max_filesize = 10M
max_input_time = 60

obs:it seems that the configuration is high enough

The original picture has this properties:
Re: problem uploading images with more than 2500x2500px new!
by colin, 14 years ago
Your image is quite big (2500x2500), and you may require more memory. Did you try with a lot more memory? Does it still end up with en error 500?

As for the error 500, you should be able to see what is causing it in the Apache logs.Reply
Re: problem uploading images with more than 2500x2500px new!
by Sergius, 14 years ago

I have tried with 300M

In the error log after 30 seconds uploading the file the error points to "File does not exist:xxxxx file name".

The file exists and if i write the url again everything works fine again,
