Reply to Version 25rc1 with XAMPP

Version 25rc1 with XAMPP new!
by rr1024, 16 years ago
Hello I was setting up a test server on my little winXP machine using XAMPP

I have using your script with great joy on my live server "linux" and I set up my little test server and tried to use the same exact code and all I get is the error message

"Error: File error. Please try again"

I outputed the $_POST['File'] and the path to the file being uploaded
it looks like
C:\\Documents and Settings\\me\\My Docs\\5026-1.dat
the dat file I'm trying to upload via http to my test server.

I was just wondering if this has ever been tested on a windows box, I copied and pasted the Posted var to windows explorer to see if explore could understand it but it said file not found but if I remove the extra slashes it finds the file.

Anyway thanks for any help.Reply

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