Safe mode warning

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Re: Safe mode warning new!
by Byron, 15 years ago

Do you have an ETA on 0.27?

I have created a WordPress plugin call PhotoSmash that utilizes your class, and I have some users that are hitting the Safe Mode problem. I tried out RC2 on one of the them, and it seemed to fix their problem.

I'd be very, very interested in upgrading PhotoSmash to use the new version of class.upload when it comes out.

BTW, thanks a ton for creating this excellent piece of code. So many users take free code for granted...I know I did before writing PhotoSmash and Supple Forms for WordPress. So, thanks for your hard work on this code.

Re: Safe mode warning new!
by colin, 15 years ago
0.27 should be released soon. It will probably not change much compared to 0.27RC2, so I reckon you can safely use 0.27RC2 in your plugin.Reply
Re: Safe mode warning new!
by Byron, 15 years ago
Thanks Colin. That's great news!

Another question: do you have any plans to include support for (or does Upload Class already) using Imagemagick for resizing?

One of my users was having problems with allowable memory limits, so he put in a pre-resize using Imagemagick, which apparently takes less memory than GD. This seemed to get the file sizes small enough that GD didn't blow the PHP Allowable Memory.

I have also noticed that phpThumb uses Imagemagick when possible for speed/memory reasons.

Just wondering if you have any plans to include support for that.

Thanks again!