Reply to Upload does not resize images and doen't clean

Upload does not resize images and doen't clean new!
by Al Almeida, 15 years, 1 month ago
here is my code:
ini_set("memory_limit", "40M");
// as it is multiple uploads, we will parse the $_FILES array to reorganize it into $files
$files = array();
  foreach ($_FILES['uploadedfile'] as $k => $l) {
    foreach ($l as $i => $v) {
      if (!array_key_exists($i, $files)) {
        $files[$i] = array();
      $files[$i][$k] = $v;
// now we can loop through each $files, and feed each element to the class
 * The program flows like this
 * 1)Upload and resize Thumbnail to thumbnails folder;
 * 2)Upload the actual image to photos folder;
 * 3)Insert image info into the DB;
 * 4)Redirect to success.
 // TODO - Files upload but are not rezised to thumbnails;
 // TODO - Temp files are not cleaned up;
foreach ($files as $file) {
  // we instanciate the class for each element of $file
  // we use the Brazilian Portuguese messages.
  $handle = new Upload($file, 'pt_BR');
  // First upload the thumbnails
  if ($handle->uploaded) {
    // now, we start the upload 'process'. That is, to copy the uploaded file 
    // from its temporary location to the thumb's location
    // It could be something like $handle->Process('/home/www/my_uploads/');
     * Set variables to resize image to the thumbnails size
    $target_thumb_path = $_POST['thumb_url'];
    echo '$target_thumb_path = '.$target_thumb_path.'
'; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_x = 125; $handle->image_y = 75; // this line does the actual upload and resizing actions. $handle->Process($target_thumb_path); /* * Set variables to resize image to the full size */ $target_path = $_POST['pic_url'].'
'; echo '$target_path = '.$target_path; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_x = 640; $handle->image_y = 480; $handle->Process($target_path); if ($handle->processed) { // If Thumbnail successfully uploaded than start processing the main image $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO tbl_p_pic (comp_id, owner_id, pic_typ, prop_id, pic_name, pic_desc, pic_url) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['_compID'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['owner_id'], "int"), GetSQLValueString('image', "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['prop_id'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($handle->file_dst_name, "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['pic_desc'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($handle->file_dst_name, "text")); mysql_select_db($database_ajmedia, $ajmedia); $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $ajmedia) or die(mysql_error()); $insertGoTo = "adminpage.php"; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { // redirect to the main page everything was fine ! $insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?"; $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; // next line for debug // echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " has been uploaded to ".$target_path." and the info was entered into the DB." } // End redirect to the main page everything was fine ! echo $handle->log; $handle->clean(); } else // If Image isn't successfully uploaded than an error message should be returned. // next line for debug should be replaced by error handling procedure. // TODO - There is the need for error handling here. echo "There was an error uploading the file, the database was not updated, please try again! "; } } echo $handle->log; $handle->clean(); }

here my Paths:
$target_thumb_path = ../content/vivaverde/images/pictures/6/5/44/thumbnails/
$target_path = ../content/vivaverde/images/pictures/6/5/44/photos/
Here is my Log:
system information
- class version : 0.26
- GD version : GD not present
- supported image types : none
- open_basedir : no restriction
- language : pt_BR
source is an uploaded file
- upload OK
- file name OK
- MIME type detected as image/jpeg by PHP getimagesize() function
- source variables
file_src_name : diassis.jpg
file_src_name_body : diassis
file_src_name_ext : jpg
file_src_pathname : D:\WINDOWS\Temp\phpE.tmp
file_src_mime : image/jpeg
file_src_size : 64538 (max= 2097152)
file_src_error : 0
process file to ../content/vivaverde/images/pictures/6/5/44/thumbnails/\
- file size OK
- file mime OK : image/jpeg
- file name safe format
- destination variables
file_dst_path : ../content/vivaverde/images/pictures/6/5/44/thumbnails/\
file_dst_name_body : diassis
file_dst_name_ext : jpg
- no image operation, keep extension
- checking for auto_rename
- destination file details
file_dst_name : diassis.jpg
file_dst_pathname : ../content/vivaverde/images/pictures/6/5/44/thumbnails/\diassis.jpg
- diassis.jpg doesn't exist already
- attempting creating a temp file: file created
temp file is: ../content/vivaverde/images/pictures/6/5/44/thumbnails/\d115f65210d4d1ba5873ae0f344e7679.jpg
- no image processing wanted
- process OK
process file to ../content/vivaverde/images/pictures/6/5/44/photos/
- file size OK
- file mime OK : image/jpeg
- file name safe format
- destination variables
file_dst_path : ../content/vivaverde/images/pictures/6/5/44/photos/
file_dst_name_body : diassis
file_dst_name_ext : jpg
- no image operation, keep extension
- checking for auto_rename
- destination file details
file_dst_name : diassis.jpg
file_dst_pathname : ../content/vivaverde/images/pictures/6/5/44/photos/
- diassis.jpg doesn't exist already
- use the temp file instead of the original file since it is a second process
- ../content/vivaverde/images/pictures/6/5/44/photos/
\ doesn't exist. Attempting creation: failed

Now after an upload attempt this is what happens:
The Thumbs folder have 3 files none re sized(69a111f37f681a904626ab5623ce601c.jpg size = 0, d115f65210d4d1ba5873ae0f344e7679.jpg size 63Kb and the actual files: diassis.jpg size 53Kb)
The photos folder has 0.
Am I doing something wrong? what I'm missing?
where the '\' are coming from in some of the paths on the log?Reply

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