Reply to Re: issue with image_auto_rotate

Re: issue with image_auto_rotate new!
by jon, 6 years, 11 months ago
Thank you for your help

I have reordered my code to first process the main image (only 1 image), store it and then create the (required by me) resized images (with a new instance of class.upload), this works better as it only needs to rotate the main image so seems to be saving in execution time (and possibly memory too). I get no errors with this, but essentially the same results :-) (of multiple images and auto-rotated!).

The error i am getting (before i re-ordered with the above) was
"Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/site/public_html/class/upload.class.php on line 3527"

I don't think this is a memory issue.

I have looked at your upload class code (nice, but confusing to me :-))
I am of course naive towards your code and its complexity, but i wonder if moving the rotation until after the re-sizing would speed up the script (as my logic says it is faster and less memory to rotate a smaller file size/image, although i could of course be wrong).

I have tried to rearrange the code by adding in a "pre-auto-rotate" that sets the "image_src_y & image_src_x" measurements only (as if the image was rotated), then resizes and then the auto-rotate.
This seems to work faster, but due to my lack of understanding, is getting some unexpected results.... :-)
Would placing the auto-rotate after the resize be an idea, or would it make no difference in the execution time/memory anyhow?
If you think this will work, i am happy to spend some time understanding your upload class, to try and make this work correct.

Thanks Again

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