Reply to Release of class.upload.php 0.26RC2

Release of class.upload.php 0.26RC2 new!
by colin, 15 years, 8 months ago
I have released a test version 0.26RC2, which is more secure, and should work with Flash uploaders.

You can get it here.

This version fixes a few bugs, but most notable rewrites the entire MIME type detection. The class is now using Fileinfo PECL extension, UNIX file() command, MIME magic, and getimagesize(), in that order, to detect the MIME type. The MIME type as sent by the browser (or guessed from the file extension in case of Flash) will be used only if all the previous methods fail.

Please use it and test it. Some of the MIME detection routines depend on the OS, so I couldn't test everything. If you use a Flash uploader, can you also give a go to 0.26RC2


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