Mime type

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Mime type new!
by Mariusz, 9 years, 2 months ago
I uploading images and server saving this as txt everytime. getimagesize working fine and was detecting good mime type. Any ideas?

- PHP version : 5.4.34
- GD version : 2.1.0
- supported image types : png jpg gif bmp
- open_basedir : /var/www/vhosts/:/tmp/:/usr/libexec/php4-cgi/share/pear:/usr/share/pear:/php/includes
- upload_max_filesize : 64M (67108864 bytes)
- language : en_GB
source is a local file /tmp/php5V47fm
- local file name OK
determining MIME type
- Fileinfo PECL extension deactivated
- UNIX file() command is deactivated
- mime.magic file (mime_content_type()) is deactivated
- Checking MIME type with getimagesize()
MIME type detected as image/jpeg by PHP getimagesize() function
- MIME type detected as by browser
- Try to guess MIME type from file extension (): MIME type set to
- MIME type couldn't be detected! ()
source variables
- You can use all these before calling process()
file_src_name : php5V47fm
file_src_name_body : php5V47fm
file_src_name_ext :
file_src_pathname : /tmp/php5V47fm
file_src_mime :
file_src_size : 45437 (max= 67108864)
file_src_error : 0
process file to ./upload/gotowe/2015/02/
- file size OK
- script renamed as php5V47fm.txt!
- file mime (not checked) : text/plain
- new file name body : 54d402a72434f
- file name safe format
- destination variables
file_dst_path : ./upload/gotowe/2015/02/
file_dst_name_body : 54d402a72434f
file_dst_name_ext : txt
- checking for auto_rename
- destination file details
file_dst_name : 54d402a72434f.txt
file_dst_pathname : ./upload/gotowe/2015/02/54d402a72434f.txt
- 54d402a72434f.txt doesn't exist already
- no image processing wanted
- process OKReply
Re: Mime type new!
by colin, 9 years, 2 months ago
Which version of the class are you using? Please use the latest version.Reply