Reply to Process problems

Process problems new!
by Björn M, 16 years, 4 months ago
I have a small problem with class.upload

I upload an image and scale them to one big image and one thumb (works fine)

After upload and resize I have same editing options, like rotate, add border and crop.
This works fine when I do changes on both big image and thumb but give me problems when only one of them is changed.

I need to get $handle->process to be true on both images even if I don't change anything on one of them but I get no process at all. (eg I want copy unchanged image).

In log my script terminates with this:
- no image processing wanted

Here is the logic, my problem occur when $borderact == 'small':

$handle = new upload("$imgdir/image_resized.jpg", "sv_SE");
$handle->file_auto_rename			= false;
$handle->file_overwrite 			= true;
$handle->file_new_name_body		= 'image_resized';
if ($borderact == 'big' || $borderact == 'both'):
// remove border action
    if ($act == 'noborder'):
    $handle->image_crop				= 1;
// add border action
    elseif ($act == 'border'):
    $handle->image_border			= '1px';
    $handle->image_border_color	= '#000000';
$width		= $handle->image_dst_x;
$height		= $handle->image_dst_y;

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