Reply to Re: "Can't create the temporary file. Can't carry on a process"

Re: "Can't create the temporary file. Can't carry on a process" new!
by Patrick, 8 years ago
I'm bumping this thread as it's one of the topresults on Google when searching for this exact error. For me it was caused by a wrongly structured files array when using the codeexample for multifile upload (found under the faq). I was simply to fast when "stealing" the snippet and doing some cleanup (ie. adding curly-brackets to the IF block), and assumed that the two lines just after the IF block belonged to that scope - as it was indented as such. At last I found that this was not true - only the first line is a result of a true statement.

Maybe the faq could be updated to not have an indent on the line "$files[$i][$k] = $v;" or maybe add some brackets. I know that only the first line after the IF sentence will be executed if true and no brackets are put in, but maybe I'm not the only one, who has been banging my head for hours on this error.

Other than that - Wow! This is a nice class!Reply

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