Upload() or Process() loaded on the server?

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Upload() or Process() loaded on the server? new!
by John, 16 years, 5 months ago
Sorry for my basic question, but ... where the image is loaded to make Upload()? On the server or on the client?
If my image weighs 2mb, are loaded into the server 2mb or that happens when to run Process()?

Can I Upload() on another domain or server and then make Process() in my domain?

Congratulations on your work and THANK YOU.

(Sorry, my english is very bad)

Hugs from ChileReply
Re: Upload() or Process() loaded on the server? new!
by colin, 16 years, 5 months ago
The uploaded file is stored on the server where you call upload() and process().

You can't do the upload across several domains. PHP manages the actual upload of the file (as in the transmission of the file), and the class handles the file once it has arrived on the server.

HOWEVER, you can do the upload on a server, store the file somewhere as is, and then only later use the class to manipulate the file. So in a first instance, you just upload the file; and on a second instance, you work on the file (the class can also work on local files).Reply
Re: Upload() or Process() loaded on the server? new!
by John, 16 years, 5 months ago
Thank you very much.Reply
Re: Upload() or Process() loaded on the server? new!
by Silvana, 12 years, 2 months ago
I didn't know ant until I had to figure out why it wasn't wkiorng. I ended up really glad I had to figure it out. That documentation seems to be a bit out of date, I checked there first But whatever, In the end it was a good learning experience.Reply