It works great

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It works great new!
by rr1024, 17 years ago
worked perfectly this is my setup
$handle->auto_create_dir  = FALSE;
$handle->allowed       = array('image/jpeg','image/gif','image/png');
$handle->no_script     = TRUE;  #security convert script to harmless
$handle->file_safe_name= TRUE; #Remove Name Spaces
$handle->file_overwrite= TRUE;
$handle->mime_check    = TRUE; #security
//$handle->mime_magic_check = TRUE;  //Don't trust dependant on server setup see docs
$handle->no_script     = TRUE; #security
//$handle->image_ratio_x    = TRUE;
$handle->image_ratio   = TRUE;
$handle->image_resize  = TRUE;
$handle->image_ratio_no_zoom_in = TRUE; # added 25
$handle->file_max_size = (int)$ImageArr['Size']; // 1024 = 1KB
$handle->image_y       = (int)$ImageArr['Y'];
$handle->image_x       = (int)$ImageArr['X'];
Thanks this class is hot!Reply
Re: It works great new!
by colin, 17 years ago
Thanks! Glad it all works OK. I suppose you are using 0.25, right?

If you think the class is hot, feel free to donate, it will make me feel all warm inside ;)Reply
Re: It works great new!
by rr1024, 17 years ago
Yes, I'm not using any of the fancy stuff yet but look forward to playing around with it moreReply