Less image Quality

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Re: Less image Quality  new!
by Berto, 16 years, 12 months ago
First of all thanks again for your source code and for your support.
Regarding teh image resizing I did the same resizing (original anf inal image are not that different in size) on photoshop and the resulting image was good in quality, not blurred.
A better or alternative resizing algorithm could be offered or maybe what you are proposing, sharpening stuffReply
Re: Less image Quality  new!
by colin, 16 years, 12 months ago
Photoshop is a bit more expensive than my class, isn't it? ;)

Basically, the class uses GD functions (and I assume you have GD 2+), which can only do so much.

It could be possible to use another algorithm, but it would be very slow if done in PHP. It is kind of planned in the future to use ImageMagick and/or GD for graphic manipulations, and maybe ImageMagick has a better resizing algorithm.

The sharpening filters will make the image look good, but it is only a trick. The loss of quality will still be there, even if not as noticeable.

So in fact, if you want advanced resizing, with a minimum loss, doing this in PHP might not be the best solution.Reply