Reply to Re: french accented letters issue

Re: french accented letters issue new!
by colin, 17 years, 5 months ago
Salut ;)

It comes from the fact that the fonts provided with GD are not utf-8, so the characters you want are missing. To use GD with Cyrillic languages, or Farsi, etc... you need to use TTF fonts.

I guess you could recompile GD with a ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8 font, but that is a bit overkill.

You could also load an alternative TTF font using imagettftext or imageloadfont, but the class doesn't support using non-core fonts yet... I don't have much time right now, but I could let myself persuaded to implement it ;)

It also looks like you'd better have the last version of GD (2.0.32+) which fixes some issues with UTF-8 detection in TTF files.Reply

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