Large images don't resize, no errors either

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Large images don't resize, no errors either new!
by Adam, 12 years ago
I'm downloading images from a server, resizing them and saving them.
The download is done by cURL and class.upload.php only loads the temporary file, resizes it twice and saves it locally.
The script downloaded and processed about 25,000 images so far. Today it found some images that are rather large in resolution (ie. 2800x4200) but still small in size (~ 230KB). Now, the image is loaded just fine. I called a print_r on the class.upload instance and the information from the image was loaded. I could see resolution, size etc. correctly. It does not however process the image, nor does it throw an error.

For instance this echoes nothing.
if($img->process('location')) echo 'OK!';
    else echo $img->error;

Any ideas how to get around this?
PS: The disc is not full, there are no permission issues or anything silly like that. If I skip these images everything works fine (I can't do that however, because I need these images as well)Reply
Re: Large images don't resize, no errors either new!
by colin, 12 years ago
You are running out of memory.

Search for memory in the site, or click here.

You can also check this post.Reply
Re: Large images don't resize, no errors either new!
by Adam, 12 years ago
Thank you!Reply
Re: Large images don't resize, no errors either new!
by andy, 12 years ago
I Tthink THIS IS BUG BECAUSE IT WORK FINE IN FIREFOX 8 BUT IN FIREFOX 11 IT JUST GO TO A WHITE PAGE when uploading images with big dimensions... (please confirm this)Reply
Re: Large images don't resize, no errors either new!
by colin, 12 years ago
You are probably running out of memory on the server. Check your server logs, it will explain why the PHP process dies.Reply
Re: Large images don't resize, no errors either new!
by Juan Manuel Rivera, 11 years, 12 months ago
I have the same problem with FF but in IE works fine !, I put ini_set ( "memory_limit", "200M"); and i can upload images of 4Mb, try it !Reply